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Amber Raines - Online Memorial Website

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Amber Raines
Born in Indiana
20 years
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Amber, Its been almost two years since you passed away. Words cant explain the way Im missin you. I see your kids all the time, they are getting so big. I wish you was here to see them grow up and learn new things. They miss there mommy so much. Gigit and Amberlina are taking care of them the best way they can. Your birthday recently passed. It was so sad to hear the kids say happy birthday mommy at your grave. I think of you everyday. And there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think of you. I love and miss you Amber.
I remember when me you and Amberlina was on the phone and My mom was talking to you because you wanted me to come over, and she was asking you your hair color and eye color and your social security number and all that stuff. And you just had me crackin up. I miss yu so much Amber. Life just hasnt been the same without you here. Just know your kids are well taken care of, there are so many people that would do anything in the world for them two kids. I love and Miss you Amber.
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